Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Budget rooms

Even I have to admit that the hotel's quirky style is not to everyone's liking. I have tried desperately to ensure that our publicity explains exactly what we are and what we offer. The da Vinci is not your typical sea side hotel ....the downstairs rooms house an art gallery for local artists while the bedrooms are individual so that no two rooms are the same. The colour schemes are bright and more brazen by the time we opened the last 4 rooms...

Feedback from various review sites confirm that the majority of guests like what they get with lots of positive mentions about the art gallery, tasty breakfasts, good location , friendly staff  and value for money. Most of the negative feedback is about landings and towels which we are trying to address through refurbishment and replacment. For some reason the quality of our sausages seems to be a big issue which we have still not resolved.

Another issue is to do with the 'budget' double rooms at the back of the hotel ....rooms 101, 102, 201, 202 and 301. They suffer from being at the back of the hotel and we do admit that they are not as big as the ones at the front. However, I must iterate that the are big enough to swing a cat (although cats are not provided) and it is possible to walk around the double bed. Our publicity says that " Our double bedrooms are small but not miniature, they are ideal for short stays and budget travellers."

We think these rooms are rather nice with everything for the budget traveller except loads of empty space. Here are some pictures of room 201 to wet your appetite......


Monday, 6 May 2013

Buy busy busy

Busy week around the hotel: new floor in breakfast room, painted walls in the front lounges, refurbished room 202, new curtain rail in back lounge...and launched the Photographic Society's Annual Exhibition.

Eastbourne Photographic Society

Delighted to be hosting the Abnnual Exhibition of the Eastbourne Photographic Society which is open daily from Saturday May 4th to Friday May 31st. The exhibition comprises so amazing photographs coving local and no so local scenes. Lots of visitors already amd a wonderful launch in the company of the Mayor on Friday night.

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

What chance for the rest of us....

Budget hotel chain Travelodge is offloading 49 hotels to pay off debts including their own hotel on the seafront in Eastbourne. This is the very same hotel which has been busy undercutting us all with its £11 rooms and causing a few neighbouring establishments to go to the wall. Sometimes it seems,  that even in this business, there is justice in the world and you cannot carry on offering something for cheaper than it costs. I wish the new owners all the best in their venture.  

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Tourist Information

The staff at Eastbourne's Tourist Information do a fantastic job but why is the Tourist Information Office shut on Good Friday, Easter Sunday and Easter Monday. Look at any other seaside town (for example Southend) and you will see that their Information Offices are open all hours so what about Eastbourne?  

Saturday, 19 January 2013


If you think this is bad then below is a picture of Eastbourne during the 'great blizzard' of 1908.The local newspaper wrote,   "There is nothing that so utterly transforms a town as such a fall of snow as that of this week. It brings with it a rare witchery of beauty, yet a rare sense of desolation. The beauty is in the encrusting of the trees, the silvering of the bushes and the mantling of lawns in purest white. The effect of desolation was heightened by the profound hush. Indeed the strange effect of deep snow to the townsman is the silence that it brings”.